Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Well I am home today with Ms. Haley. My right eye was hurting all day yesterday and found out it is a stye in my eye...Yes I am stye eye! Except I think I have a really bad one because when I woke up this morning the eye was worse and more swollen...almost swollen shut! Anyway it hurts and I have to keep warm compress on it throughout the day. Hopefully it will be better by this afternoon.

I know I shouldn't complain since my husband is all injured, but I can't help it...IT HURTS BAD!

Jason is doing good. He is sending Haley a present and card and my birthday present. We should get it today! Can't wait.

He is receiving the purple heart on the 20th of May at Ft. Hood. My goal is to figure out if I can get there or not. I want to show him how proud we are of him and I would love to see him get his purple heart.

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