Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A day of FUN

We had a busy day and my kids must have felt it around five because Haley slept at her dad till 8:30 and Caden slept till after 7.

We went and hung out with Crystal and Kira this morning.
Kiras cool shades she got in her stocking!
Caden showing Kira how to push a baby in a stroller! He is so pretty in PINK!
Caden's first time in the snow! Not sure he really likes it...too cold and can't move!
Alexis came over and played today! The girls had so much fun!
I started cleaning the house room by room for our showing on Sunday! Jason cleaned the garage and it looks GREAT!

Caden did not like the duck at Crystals house!

Thursday, December 24, 2009


We had a great Christmas but ours came a little earlier than most. Haley was with her daddy Xmas morning this year so we did our Xmas on Xmas eve morning. Santa knew that Haley was with mommy so he brought her presents and Caden's presents early.
Caden was loving the gifts after someone opened them for him and he enjoyed the wrapping paper! Haley got some wonderful easel, movie, leapster games, much much more! Caden got a water table and lots of toys.

After we had our xmas then we went to Mamaws to celebrate with Adam, Ashley, Ty, and Mamaw and Papaw! Then we headed down to my grandparents for games, food, and socializing!

Can't wait to get some extra sleep in the morning =)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Welcome Ty Michael

Santa brought Elf on the Shelf to Gma Suz's house!
Going to sissy's concert

Haley dressed up for her concert

Ty Michael

Our little Xmas Baby

Well we welcomed a new baby to our crazy family on Saturday...Ty Michael Schultz was born at 8:55am on Nov 12 to my brother and his wife. He is so cute.
Haley had her xmas program at school and she did such a good job. The concert was very nice.
Caden is still getting into everything that he shouldn't! He is trying to talk to us a little more. Crawling super fast! He is becoming a huge daddy's boy.

We have a few days left of school then Xmas break....CAN'T wait!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Haley thinks she can play in Caden's was funny to watch her rolling around in the house so I took some pictures.

Also, my hubby got me an elliptical for Xmas so now I have my own little gym in my bedroom!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Holidays are flying by...Bring on Xmas

Well we had a nice Thanksgiving and can't wait for Christmas.

Haley found Caden's present from Santa so we told her Santa had to drop off her present early because she is going to be with daddy on Christmas he wanted to make sure she got a present from him while she was with mommy! It seemed to work but she wants to see hers now!

Caden is trying to talk but more babbling and screaming. He is getting really good at crawling. We took him to Riley to see a pulmnologist and they gave him stronger meds. Poor kid has been coughing since he was 7 monts old. He seems to be doing pretty good. Except he is so hyper he doesn't want to sleep. He has been taking only one nap during the day!

Haley is loving school and starting to read and sound out words. Mostly her sight words and small words.

I am watching Jason and Haley play Super Nintendo. I cleaned out my closet and found it in there so we hooked it up!
I also lost my camera and haven't been able to find it since Halloween. I ordered a new one today and two minutes later I found my old one.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009


We had a nice fall break...

Went to BooZoo with the Suttons. The kids had a geat time!
Jason had his 28th birthday!
We went to Grimes-oween and had a blast.
We went trick or treating.
Helped a family friend pass out candy after having a yummy dinner.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall Break Begins

We are officially on fall break! Halloween is coming up and so is Jason's birthday!

Caden is 9 months old...
-eating table food
-loves crackers
-getting into everything
-putting everything in his mouth
-has 6 teeth
-said da da today!
-in the 90th percentile for his weight and height (we have a big boy)

Haley's parent/teacher conferences went well. She is doing great in school. She needs to work on some letter sounds and then she will be set! I have a little smarty pants on my hands.

My parents took our pictures at falls park and I think they turned out great!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pumpkin Pumpkin Pumpkin Totem Poll

Well we had a showing today so we went to mom and dads. We had lunch (YUMMY) and we carved pumpkins to make a totem poll. I did this when I was a little girl with a friend.

We also visited the Fall Festival at school and I think Haley had a good time.

Tomorrow family pictures and relaxing in our clean house! =)

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Yes he finally crawled!!! Except now he thinks he is big stuff and climbing around and on everything. He also took about six little steps to me tonight! He stands for a long time by himself. He is growing up soooo fast.

Haley is doing a little better...just exhausted!

This video is a bit dark but it is Caden crawling to his momma!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Been Crazy around here

Well everyone we have had many things going on!

#1 House went back on the market with Remax - Michael Norton. We lowered the price to 112,900. We had a virtual tour done today while we were home so hopefully that will help get things going.

#2 The house we really wanted went pending a couple of weeks ago so we started house hunting again. We have found one we like only a mile from here but we are trying not to get our hopes up because we can't get it till ours sells! Come on buyers

#3 Caden has been sick for 6 to 8 weeks...he had pneumonia...then a cold...then the croup! My poor little man has been so sick. After taking him to medcheck we have an antiobiotic, steroid, and breathing treatments. Along with his sickness he is cutting his four top teeth at the same time!

#4 Haley got a fever Friday morning and stayed home from school. Then it spiked Saturday morning to 104.5. Doc on Friday said H1N1 symptoms and then by Saturday she sounded like a seal so went to the ER and resp. therapist and doctor said she had croup. So we are doing breathing treatments every 4 to 6 hours. She has missed two days of school and staying home tomorrow with Jason. We hate for her to get the flu bug when her immune system is down already.

That's about it. Taking care of sick kids and cleaning house to get it ready to sell!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Video Pics

Well Jason has been working on staining our fireplace/ledge/cabinets! That are starting to look very nice! As soon as he gets it done we will be putting it back on the market with a realtor. Our dream house we wanted went pending yesterday! So we started house hunting we think we might have already found it! We loved the house we saw today in a really nice area.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


We have been updating the house! Put tile in our bathroom and repainted it. Now we are painting the kids bathroom the same color as ours. Next job is to stain the fireplace and cabinets. Then carpet!
Right now our house is for sale by owner till we get our updates done then we will put it back on the market unless we can sell it before then!

In two days Mr. Caden will be 8 months old! Time is flying by!

Haley started soccer and is doing so well!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Busy and Tired - Pics and Videos

Well it is hard to write on her when I am working and taking care of the kids in the evening! I am exhausted. I am posting some videos of Caden. One he is swinging with sissy pushing him and he giggles the whole time. Another one is him playing with his new toy...he realizes he can see daddy in the mirror!
The pictures are from our trip to the park and Caden's silly face he always makes now.

Caden got his first two teeth on the bottom.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

2 weeks of school down!

Well we have officially been in school for two weeks. Trying to get back in the swing of things after not working for 6 1/2 months. Haley is loving school! Caden is 7 months now...he is getting his first tooth on the bottom. He bit my finger and I felt it. He is sitting up on his own really well now. Jason and Caden are trying to get used to a routine while being at home when Haley and I are at school everyday.

Mom got Haley some Hannah Montana stuff and we tried the wig/hat on Caden...we laughed so hard! I posted a picture.

Soccer season is going to start...and I am coaching again. FUN TIMES

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

TODAY was the first day of Kindergarten for Haley. 5 years have flown by and I can't believe she is already in school. She had a great was hard having mama as her computer teacher. She kind of had a melt down but dried up a little before leaving. She wanted to sit by me and stay with me the rest of the day. Her teacher said she had a wonderful day and Haley said she did too! She is excited about taking a lunchable in her hannah montana lunch bag tomorrow.

My day went well too. Just have a lot to do and not enough time to do it!

Caden and Daddy are having a good time at home with Jason's daddy day care! Jason said Caden sat up today for about an hour playing! He is getting pretty good at it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's been awhile

Well we have been a little busy!

We found out my brother and Ashley are having a baby quickly all of Caden's stuff he can't wear anymore went straight to them. We are so excited that Caden and Baby S. will be close in age.

Jason painted mom and dad's popup camper. After that job he decided he wanted his own pop up camper. He finally found one for a decent price. So now we have our own pop up! He is currently working on fixing it up as well. I think he is going to paint it to match his jeep! Imagine that!

Haley is getting very excited that she starts school next week. My baby girl is going to Kindergarten. She also is excited that her teacher is Ms. Grimes.

I have been going to school and getting things ready. I have two classrooms to decorate now b/c I have to go to the Intermediate building once a week and teach computers. I also went on a shopping trip with Jen and Pam. We had so much fun!

Caden is growing like a weed. Hopefully soon he will cut his bottom teeth. We can see them through his gums but they haven't popped out yet. He is trying to sit up more! We had to buy him a new car seat b/c he is growing out of the infant seat already. At his 6 month appointment he was in the 90th percentile: weighs 19.2 and 28 1/4 inches long. I believe he is even bigger now! He loves walking around in his walker and playing with his toys. He has learned already after three times to drink out of his sippy cup...and of course is loving food - he wants everybodys food!

Well we are all getting ready to start a new routine next week. It is going to be a big adjustment for all of us since I have been off work since January. Jason is going to stay at home with Caden and Ms Haley is going to school with me!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Well I have been busy so I haven't had time to post anything on here.
I have been working in both my classrooms, worked registration at school for two days, and did some shopping.

Haley went on her first school clothes shopping trip and was hilarious while trying on her clothes.
She is officially registered for Kindergarten.

Caden is over 6 months old and wants to eat everything! I got him some new toys today for the bath and for the floor. Which he LOVES!

I met some former sixth grade students at the park for a picnic today with Caden. These were the students I had my first year of teaching. They have all graduated and heading to college or work. Time has flown by. It was so great to see each one of them and hopefully we can stay in touch...Thanks to facebook.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Holiday world Pictures

Here are some pictures from Holiday world...also a visit to the doctor for Caden.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Keep Whitney in your thoughts and prayers

One of my former cheerleaders was in a serious accident July 30. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

bath time and fair pictures

We got Caden and new seat for the bath tub. He thought he was such a big boy and didn't want to get out.

We are getting ready to go to Holiday world and camping!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Growing up and fair

I'm sorry to say that there is another misguided and mentally lost person in this world that has nothing better to do in their worthless boring lives then to write nasty comments like a child would do when they didn't get their way. I hope that puberty hits soon so that they realize how a adult is supposed to act. I guess I 'm sinking just a little lower by responding to child's nonsense. J.M.

On another note...

Haley had jazzercise this morning and her last day is tomorrow. Caden has his 6 month appointment and we can't wait to see how big he is. We will probably be buying a new carseat for him. We went to the Johnson County fair tonight...where Ashley works. There fair is big! Haley had a blast riding the rides thanks to Aunt Ashley. She also got her face painted like cat. We are all tired and ready for bed!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Busy Cleaning...

Well we had four house showings in three days. The fourth one was very last minute. So we have had to do some cleaning and picking up everyday. Plus figuring out what to do while we can't be at our house. Yesterday after our last minute showing we decided to go to taco bell and the park. Jason and Zoe went fishing...Zoe did not fall out of the boat. Haley is taking a jazzercise class in fortville all week and really enjoying it so far. I picked her and Alexis up and they told me how Hot and Sweaty they were! hahaha

Saturday, July 18, 2009

What we have been up to!

Well this past week was the Hancock County Fair. I help with the Queen Pageant so we had the pageant on Saturday and the parade was on Sunday.

Jason has been fishing.

Haley went to Holiday world with her daddy and got home on Wednesday night.

Haley, Gma Suz, Kathy D. and I all went to Harry Potter. Then we went to the fair.

On Friday we cleaned house and went to the library.

Our house had two showings today so me and the kiddos went to McD's and worked in my room at school. Tomorow we have another showing and I have to judge a Queen pageant.

We have been busy!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


12ft sears fiberglass boat

4.5 sears ted williams outboard boat motor

popeye wind up boat

Let me know if you are interested or you know someone who is interested! You can comment to this blog posting or email

Saturday, July 11, 2009

rain rain go away

Well Jason helped neighbor move their new hot tub...I worked out...Queen pageant tonight! We need the rain to go away so we can have it outside. The Mummert's Reception!!!

Caden helped me with the laundry this morning!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Beautiful Baby Contest

I entered Caden in Beautiful Baby contest!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Children's Museum

Well we decided to go to the Children's Museum today. Me and the kids! Haley loved the new Egyptian section. She made a bracelet, drawing, played, crawled on a nile crocodile. She liked the new area outside with all the famous structures around the world that she could climb on. She dug for bones, put together puzzles, and much more!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July

Hope everyone had a great despite the rain!

We spent the day at the Dowlings...swam for a little bit, played bingo and won some awesome prizes, and watched fireworks.

We are headed up north tomorrow morning for Jason's grandmothers viewing and funeral services. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

Friday, June 26, 2009

5 months old

Today our big blue eyed boy is 5 months old.

Blake was pooped after swimming

Haley had a blast

Caden looks like Daddy

Yesterday we went to the pool with Kittle and her little boy Blake.
We had a good time. I took pics of the kids.

Today we looked at a house after I did Yoga. Then Haley and Caden played on the blow up slide. Well Haley did and Caden just stood and watched.

Now Jason and I are cleaning house and chilling out at home.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Donating my Hair

For almost two years I have been growing my hair out to donate to locks of love. It has to be 10 inches long to cut.

So today was the day. I have posted before and after pictures.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Another day

I have tried two new workouts this week. Yoga/Pilates yesterday and Step/all over conditioning today! My body is sore...but I will be doing them again.

Haley, Alexis and Gabe played on the water slide today. Then Alexis and Haley spent the afternoon playing...they had so much fun!

I had a queen pizza party to attend and Jason took the kids to New Castle...they went to the kid pool and the kids castle to play. Seems like they had a good time together.

Tomorrow I am donating my hair and getting it all chopped off...I am very scared to lose all this hair. I have been growing it out for over a year now but its time to cut it! Hopefully I will like it and everyone can see a picture!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Camping Trip

Well we went on our first camping trip. It was kind of a last minute trip when we realized we had no plans for the entire weekend. So Thursday night we headed to Mounds State Park. We had some interesting experiences. We took my family's pop up camper which has been around for a long time. We went swimming two days, went to the camp store, rode bikes, took walks, played on the playground, GOT eaten up by mosquitos, and sat by the fire.
We believe Haley had her first sleep walking experience...which was weird. Thank goodness I woke up. She fell out of the bed onto the hard floor. She swam all by herself..went down the slide and the diving board by herself! We slept through a huge thunderstorm. Zoe fell out of the side of the camper.